Oleh Joni MN*
Humans are social beings who can not live alone but always interacting with each other and always depends on the environment. And humans are also entered into the same class of beings that exist with other creatures in nature, only humans have a little excess compared with other creatures, namely reason and mind are fundamental[1]. The fundamental reason why humans exist on earth or in nature is to interact with others in their environment, in order to establish a relationship to each other meeting between them and shortcomings, this is not apart from the use of reason and the mind and heart the functioning in order to control all the process activities in this life.
Humans evolve, grow, eat, rest, give birth and breed, maintain and can defend himself, felt the shortage and need anything else, so try to fulfill it. They have a sense of compassion and love, fatherhood and as a child, as she has a sense of fear and safety, like property, like power and ownership, hatred and a sense of love, to feel happy and sad and so in the form of feelings that gave birth to taste .
In human life there is need for human beings and each other to build good behavior, her ethics or moral[2], because it includes the notion tabi’at, human behavior and character are good or bad in establishing his relationship with his Creator and fellow human beings as well other creatures and that can create a sense of the personal self.
Once action of ”ahklaq” is desired by basic human nature was the work that has been embedded in the soul to someone manusuia, thereby becoming personality that shows the nature of these speakers. Moral for humans is necessary, because, good value is at once a characteristic of individual human beings as seen from the behavior that is honest, trustworthy, and this is the benchmark of goodness and truth and ugliness or morbidity.
Morale is as a benchmark of whether or not the human individual, and which became a benchmark in this moral sense, the mind or reason, the moral essence of human life is concerned areas of good or poor perbutaannya judged as human beings. Moral norms serve as a benchmark to establish the correct wrong attitudes and actions of human beings, good or bad as a human being. Not any one of human being who does not want goodness and truth, and pleasure. This can be achieved when people apply the moral to his life, because the moral norms that we need is the norm prakatis, where norms can be applied to concrete actions in daily life, rather than the theoretical value of the norm.
So, if there is no moral or norm is implemented then the absence of norms of human life hence it will be brutal or worst and worst. The statement was against the background by the desire of human beings and behavior is inappropriate. So, cause of that it takes a norm which is more practical. It is the norm rather normative language, but it will not menuntup implementation should be a practical possibility. Because, basically, human nature is actually a concrete value has been completed on the implementation process of everyday life.
The Characteristic of human moral or immoral human being, when seen from the definition and some related terms in the moral sense is if a person acts in accordance with the taste and culture prevailing in the society and be acceptable in the environment according to the rules of life then that person is considered to have moral, whereas the immoral cirri is the opposite of a moral act.
Regardless of the differences in words used good morals, ethics, morals, manners have the same emphasis, namely the existence of good qualities are applied in a person’s behavior in everyday life, both traits that exist in themselves and in relation to social life.
Good value as well as characteristics of individual moral man as a creature can be seen in the presence of behaviors such as honest, trustworthy, fair, responsible and others, as well as social beings in relation to society, such as honesty, respect for fellow human beings, responsibility, harmony, solidarity, social solidarity and so on. From the explanation above, we can take the conclusion that human beings are human beings are conscious. This is the most prominent qualities: Awareness in the sense that through the amazing power of reflection, he understood the actuality of the external world, uncover the secrets hidden from observation, and were able to analyze each of the realities and events. He did not stay on the surface of the multi-sensory and effect, but observe what is outside the sensing and infer cause from effect. Thus he crossed the line and extend penginderaannya bonding time up to the past and future, into the not attend objectively. It gets the correct grip, breadth and depth of their own environment. Consciousness is a substance that is more noble than the existence. And, Human beings are self-aware. This means that he is the only living creature has its own knowledge of his presence: he was able to learn, considers, knowing and judging himself.
To maintain the continuity and sustainability of the harmonious and familiar in life with others, there needs to be enforcement into moral terpraktis “Budi Pekerti” in this context as the previous explanation is the moral values of human conscious and carried into action. So, human nature while traveling on life processes can not be separated from the cultural context and the rules, because the culture there are rules guiding the life towards the good and true. As on the cultural product that is in the proverb Aceh; Meunyo get dalam hate, lahe bak ie rupa, its mean; when some one good in his heart will be visible on his face also. When he speaks, his words can always remedy, heart, after parting it feels like to meet again. And then, Meunyobrok dalam hate, lahe bak peugah haba, its mean; if bad in our heart, this can be seen when speaking, in other words a bad heart, when speaking always make people hurt, offend, for the others. the words that are pronounced snide, mocking, cynical, suspicious, and suspicion always[3].
Quite explicitly the meaning of this proverb Aceh, which suggested humans into creatures who are aware and know yourself, it can be applied if the man is carrying out the order that is in the culture system. And this proverb is a proverb of learning contribute to the character of man, then this lesson will be the character of the man himself, so the relationship and harmony between people can be well maintained can last even until death. In keeping and maintaining relationships in life, the recommended human can carry out the goodness that is in the customs, manners and culture itself, which in katakana as well as by figures of Religion and Gayonese custom Mahmud Ibrahim among the Gayo people know and to implement values;
- Mukemel (self esteem) – with a noble character is not disgraceful conduct.
- Tertib (orderly) – honest and orderly, so there is no chaos that exhausting, mind and body without any benefits.
- Setie (Faithful) – not gossip or curse, berate, or criticizing others, can feel the troubles of others especially the poor, destitute and orphans, memilihara keasatuan and unity, solidarity and togetherness.
- Semayang Gemasih (Lovingfull) – did not hate those who do evil but hate the ugly deeds, not jealous and helpful.
- Mutentu (hard work) – diligent disciplined to use of time, not much time wasted to do anything that does not benefit much less perform immoral.
- Amanah (mandating) – sincere, honest, do not betray and responsible for carrying out tasks that rest upon him/her.
- Genap mupakat (consensus) – deliberate on what and how to carry out any interest and shared responsibility.
- Alang tulung (helping) – especially in finance and carry large or heavy work, both with regard to public interest or personal interests or family.
- Bersikekemelen (competitive) – competing in good doing for all areas or aspects of life.
This is an attempt to reflect the cultural values expressed by contemporary society and the environment pristiwa actual community itself, in order to enhance and invite and encourage people to go to-goodness, happiness and harmony. Because – because of this culture will be able to generate wisdom in society, everyone must have good intentions, in the heart tucked honest nature, more – more cultural values can be applied in the environmental community, because the indigenous people’s beliefs is to achieve welfare and happiness for mankind and mercy for all alam.jadi, customs and culture are very much at play in human life when processing the life, culture and customs and also a fence Religion.
From the water we learn to be quiet, from the land we learn of life into
more know of itself, mastering science which is look-like rice.
[1] Zainal Abidin, Filsafat Manusia – memahami manusia melalui Filsafat, PT. Remaja Rosdakarya Bandung, 2006.h.4-5
[2] Henry Hazlitt, Dasar – dasar Moralitas, Pustaka Pelajar – Yogyakarta, 2003.h. 34
[3] Muhammad Umar (Emtas) Peradaban Aceh (Tamadun) II, membahas hokum, Qanun, Reusam, ISBN:979-96714-2-6, 9789799671424, JKMA Aceh dan ICCO, Yayasan BUSAFAT Banda Aceh, Partner Van.2007.h.22
its so logic, as we see now our environment brought us to the sides namely good and bad..so that choose a choice which is important for us, n the others