Ini Dia Wiratmadinata, Balonwalkot Banda Aceh

Lintas Gayo : Seperti yang diberitakan Lintas Gayo sebelumnya, seorang putra Gayo di Banda Aceh, Wiratmadinata atau yang lebih dikenal dengan nama Ujang, akan mencalonkan diri menjadi bakal calon walikota atau wakil walikota Banda Aceh melalui jalur independen.

Sebagai persyaratan untuk maju di Pemilihan Kepala Daerah (Pilkada) di Aceh melalui jalur independen atau tanpa dukungan Partai Politik peraih kursi di Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Kota (DPRK) maka kepada bakal calon walikota/ Wakil Walikota dikenakan persyaratan dengan memberikan sejumlah copian Kartu Tanda Penduduk (KTP) sebagai tanda dukungan masyarakat pemilih yang seterusnya akan disampaikan kepada Komisi Independen Pemilihan (KIP) Kota Banda Aceh.

Pria kelahiran Takengon pada 29 Juli 1968 ini punya latar belakang keilmuan dibidang Hukum dengan memperoleh gelar Sarjana Hukum di Universitas Muhammadiyah Banda Aceh, tahun 2000 silam serta beroleh gelar Magister Hukum dari Universitas Syiah Kuala Banda Aceh di tahun 2009.

Sederetan pengalaman telah dia lalui baik selaku seniman, wartawan serta pegiat Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat.

Untuk lebih mengenal siapa Wiratmadinata, berikut daftar Riwayat Hidup (Curriculum Vitae) Wiratmadinata, Bakal Calon Walikota/Wakil Walikota Banda Aceh Periode 2012-2017.


2.   Date of Birth :  July 29th 1968 –Nationality: Indonesian

3.   Education : Law Magister (Indonesia)

Institution, country Degree(s) obtained Date of obtainment
Faculty of Law, Syiah Kuala University, Darussalam, Banda Aceh Magister of Law (Magister Hukum) 2009
Faculty of law, Muhammadiyah University of Aceh, Banda Aceh Bachelor of Law (Sarjana Hukum) 2000
School for English Teacher Training, Syiah Kuala University, Darussalam, Banda Aceh Teacher Training Diploma program 1991

4.   Membership of Professional Associations:

  • Executive Secretary (Facilitator) of Forum Silaturahmi dan Komunikasi Peserta Pemilu Aceh 2009 (Aceh Political Party Forum for Peace Election in Aceh 2009)
  • Advisory Board Member of Aceh Reintegration Body (BRA-Badan Reintegrasi Aceh) 2005-2009
  • Trustee Board of Komunitas Tikar Pandan (Tikar Pandan Community). 2005-present.
  • Vice Coordinator of Indonesian Journalist Association-Reformation (PWI-Reformasi) 2002-20005.
  • Chairman of SAJAK (The Union of Aceh Artist in Jakarta, Bogor, Tangerang and Bekasi), Jakarta, 2000-2003
  • First Chairman of Banda Aceh Art Council (DKB), Banda Aceh. 1997-2000


  • H.B. Jassin Award from The H.B. Jassin Museum and The Jakarta Arts Institute (1993)
  • Award from The Ministry Of Cultural and Educational Affair of Republic Indonesia (1989)

5.  Other Training:

Institution, country Title of Training Date of training
Germany Foreign Department/Europe Academy Berlin, Berlin, Federal Republic of Germany. “Coming to terms with history”-Learning from the Germany past history under the two dictatorship.  

7-17 November 2010

University Of Maryland, College Park, USA Training in advance conflict management at CIDCM (Centre for International Development and Conflict Management, six (months) intensive Spring and Summer program (February to August) February-July 2008
University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia Training in International Human Rights Law and Peoples Diplomacy at Diplomacy Training Program (An intensive program; January and February). January-February 2000
The Asia Foundation, Cirebon Gender Training for Male Activists 2007
The Asia Foundation, Bogor TOT Gender Training 2008
INSPIRIT, Bali Vibrant Training for Facilitator 2007
INSPIRIT, Medan Vibrant Training for Facilitator (Advanced) 2008
IMPACT-UNDP, Medan Training System Dynamic, and Regional Analysis 2006
Various Other various training on; NGO Management, journalism, and creative writing 1989-2000
YLBHI-Jakarta, Indonesia International Human Rights Law and UN System 1998


Participation to International Forums
Hosted by CMI, Helsinki and Tampere, Finlandia Keynote Speaker in International Seminar on Future of Aceh; Sustainability Peace and Economic Development for Aceh (with Indonesian and GAM delegation) 2008
Jakarta, Indonesia International Conference on “Promoting Financial Accountability in Managing Funds Related to Tsunami, Conflict and Other Disasters 25-27 April 2005
Triple Eleven, Brussels, Belgium International Conference on ECOSOC 2000
UN, Geneva, Swiss The Annual Meeting of the High Commission of the Human Rights (intervention session) 2000
Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia Hari Puisi National (the 4th National Poetry Day) 1998
PRESS, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Hong Kong Various press assignment 2002 – 2004
Educational Decade (UN Katmandu, Nepal) UN’s Conference on Human Rights 1998
Centre for International Development and Conflict Management & TAF Washington, College Park-MD-USA Keynote speaker; “An evolving model for Aceh conflict transformation” 2008
Hosted by TAF San Francisco San Francisco, CA-USA Keynote speaker “ An evolving model for Aceh conflict transformation and Peace Building in Aceh)”. 2008
Hosted by King Pradjadiphok Institute, Thailand &TAF Thailand Keynote Speaker; “An evolving model for Aceh Conflict Transformation and Peace Building in Aceh” 2008
Hosted by The Bangsamoro Institute and TAF Manila Mindanao, The Philippines Keynoted Speaker; “An evolving model for Aceh conflict transformation and Peace Building in Aceh”. 2008

6.   Countries of Work Experience:

Country Date from – Date to
Indonesia 1989-present
Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Hongkong 1998, 2002, 2003, 2004
U S A Feb- 2009-august 2009

7.   Languages:

Language Speaking Reading Writing
Indonesian Excellent Excellent Excellent
English Good good Good
Aceh (Aceh Coastal) Excellent Excellent Excellent
Gayo (Aceh Highland) Excellent Excellent Excelent
Java Good good good

8.   Employment Record:

Date From – Date to Employer Positions held
April 2009- to date International Centre for Transitional Justice (ICTJ) Aceh Program Coordinator
June 2009—January 2010 Aceh Justice Project (AJP)-United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in cooperation with Faculty of Law Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh Program Manager
2008 University IAIN Ar-Ranirry, Darussalam, Banda Aceh; “Seminar on Peace Journalism” Visiting Lecturer
2008 The Asia Foundation Fellows in Conflict Resolution Fellows in Conflict Resolution
June 2006-June 2009 Forum LSM Aceh (an umbrella organization of 60 local NGO, Aceh) Executive Director
2005  to date IMPACT, Banda Aceh (Part-Time) Trainer/facilitator/consultant Associate 

Specialist in; Peace building Training, Human rights training, Conflict Study Consultant, CSO/NGO Management training, Training for Trainer, Creative Writing training, negotiation and mediation and media training.

2005-2006 Forum LSM Aceh Deputy Director
2002-2005 GATRA Weekly News Magazine, Jakarta Advertorial Editor
2000-2002 GAMMA Weekly News Magazine, Jakarta News Editor
1998-2001 Aceh NGO Coalition for Human rights Campaign and networking manager
1998-2000 Harian Suara Pembaruan, Banda Aceh Journalist
1994-1998 Local and international media, Banda Aceh Freelancer
1989-1993 Harian Serambi Indonesia, Banda Aceh Journalist


Banda Aceh, June,  21th 2011


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