Bersama ini saya kirimkan tugas melalui untuk mahasiswa jurusan bahasa Inggris STAI Gajah Putih Takengon.
Mohon kiranya di muat agar mahasiswa tersebut dapat mengaksesnya.
Atas kerjasama yang baik, saya mengucapkan terimaksih.
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr Wb.
Dr. darul Aman, M. Pd
Every of you : Unit A, B, C, and D English students !
Please access the tasks for CCU lesson and all of you should
send me (Mr. Darul) your answer through e-mail. Ok.
The Tasks are as follows:
1. How is your opinon on ” Equality and Fairness in USA?”
2. What are relation between CCU with the learning English for English Department Students?
3. There are more better; Education, Culture, Industries, and Qualities in USA. How do you think ?
Please answer those question and give more explanation in detail. Good-luck !